Allied Health Referral
Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Osteopaths
Referrals eligible for Medicare benefits include
- X-ray Hip
- X-ray Pelvis
- X-ray Spine
Fowler Simmons Radiology accepts referrals for items that are NOT covered under the Medicare Benefits Schedule for clinically relevant areas including X-ray, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, MRI and ultrasound guided injections where considered clinically appropriate. The patient is liable for the full cost of the procedure for requests made outside the Medicare Benefits Schedule.
Referrals eligible for Medicare benefits include
- Ultrasound of ankle, hindfoot, midfoot, or forefoot
- Ultrasound mass – skin or subcutaneous structures, not being a part of the musculoskeletal system
- Xray ankle, foot, lower leg (below the knee)
Fowler Simmons Radiology accepts referrals for items that are NOT covered under the Medicare Benefits Schedule for clinically relevant areas including X-ray, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, MRI and ultrasound guided injections where considered clinically appropriate. The patient is liable for the full cost of the procedure for requests made outside the Medicare Benefits Schedule.
A full Medicare Benefits Schedule can be downloaded here
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Work with our Medical Liaison Officer to order more referral pads.
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